God of War 3. bug 2

-BUG 2-
Here in God of War 3 I have just defeated the Scorpion Boss and acquired the Boreas Icestorm. I then use it to open a gate that unleashes a gust of air that allows me to float vertically and reach higher ground.
-Objective 1- Float to higher ground and use the Boreas Icestorm again to shift the boxes of the Labyrinth.
Once I landed on the higher platform I climbed onto the edge of the box in search for hidden chests. When I moved as far as I could I tried climbing up the box and wasn’t allowed to. Kratos lifted himself up and returned back into the climbing position. (35 seconds into video)
Then I climbed back toward the platform and fell in between the wall I was climbing and the platform I was trying to land on. I then began to push all buttons to show that there’s no way of moving Kratos. I even activated Rage of The Spartans and nothing happened. (50 seconds into video)
I respawned and tried again. Only this time I walked straight into the crack between the boxes and fell through. Again I tried the opposite side of the box and the same thing happened. Once I grab the edge of the elevated platform and try to release I fall straight down in between the boxes and die.
The second video shows me walking slowly around the edge between both boxes and notice that Kratos is shaking oddly and rising up toward the lower platform (involuntarily). I am able to fall waist length down and walk slowly but if I keep trying to walk too far Kratos will shake and rise again or fall to his death. (3:50 seconds into video)
God of War 3. bug 1
-BUG 1-
Here in God of War 3 I am battling my way toward the top of Cronos. I have reached a part where Cronos tries to smash me with his hand.
-Objective 1- Avoid the shadowed areas to dodge being smashed by Cronos's hand. Once Cronos misses and grabs his own arm, jump onto the side of his finger, climb up, and kill the skeleton enemy. Cronos will then try to blow Kratos off of his hand with a strong gust of wind from his mouth.
-Objective 2- Block the gust of wind and activate the timed option to swing back onto his hand to avoid being blown away.
Instead of killing the skeleton enemy, I continued to run down Cronos’s finger and toward his wrist. Once I passed Cronos’s knuckle I got stuck on top of the second part of his finger and slid off of the side of it. I respawned exactly where I fell from and was not able to get back to the original section of Cronos’s finger (where the skeleton was). That’s where the video starts. Kratos is pretty small due to the perspective of the camera angle but I made efforts to show where Kratos’s position was in the video by jumping.
-If I try walking back toward the original part of Cronos’s finger Kratos will act as if he is falling with his hands in the air, legs spread to shoulder length, and looking down. Meanwhile, Kratos is still on top of Cronos’s finger. Also, Kratos shakes while his hands are in the air and begins to gravitate toward the edge of Cronos’s finger and then slides off the side of the finger.
-If I try walking toward Cronos’s wrist Kratos will fall straight through Cronos’s hand and die.
-If I try jumping onto the finger to the left Kratos will remain in the position of falling and slide right off of the other finger.
-If I try activating the timed animation that allows me to swing back onto Cronos it fails and Kratos falls to his death.
The way I have found to get out of this problem is to blind Cronos with the head of Helios. Cronos will Swing his hands back toward his face which frees Kratos and the game can be continued.